Ch Karinjho Karamello of Graceful Delight



Ch Karinjho Karamello
of Graceful Delight

German Champion DRC
German champion with working certificate
German Champion VDH
German Junior Champion
Best puppy dog of breed
Best junior dog of breed
Junior Winner Saarbrücken 2010
3x junior best of breed
3rd place in FCI group 8, junior class

1 CAC, Anw. German Junior Champion DRC Club and VDH
2 CAC, Anw. German Junior Champion VDH

2 CACIB reserve
4 CAC, Anw. German Champion DRC Club and VDH
3 Res. CAC, Res. Anw. German Champion DRC Club and VDH
2 CAC, Anw. German Champion GRC Club and VDH
5 CAC, Anw. German Champion VDH International
2 Res. CAC, Res. Anw. German Champion VDH International
2 CAC, Anw. German Champion VDH National
3 Res. CAC, Res. Anw. German Champion VDH International


May 09, 2013: Long distance scent trail 800 meters with rabbits or birds in the Jagdgebrauchshundeverband e.V.
September 15, 2012: BLP – Bringleistungsprüfung
October 29, 2011: APD / R – working test with dummies
April 29, 2011: JP / R – Junior hunting  test for retrievers


CH Travis of Graceful Delight x Easy Livin of Graceful Delight

Health results

HD B2/C1, ED 0/0, HC/PRA/RD free


Shot test: sure, interested. Excellent overall appearance, excellent masculine head, correct expression, very good neck length, sloping shoulder position, top front, correctly shaped chest, very good bone substance, correct angulations, fluid, expansive gait.

Character test

A very active male full of temperament, who likes to play. The male is extremely attentive and persistent in pursuing his goals, he is also fearless and approaches everything. Prey and bring behavior very pronounced. The male has built a trusting bond with his owners. The willingness to obey can be expanded. When dealing with strangers, the male is friendly and confident in confined situations. On the course he looks at all sources of stimulation all by himself. When shots are fired, he is self-confident and searching.
A very lively, spirited, persistent male who shows himself to be confident and independent.

Travis of Graceful Delight
aus spezieller jagdl. Leistungszucht
Dt.-Ch.(m.Arb.) Dt.-VCh. VDH-Ch. VDH-VCh. Lux.-Ch. CS(m.Arb.)'03
Sieger-Ortenau'05 VSieger-Saarbr.'11 JSieger-Kassel'02
WT APD F JP/R BLP NCT'03 GCT div. Workingtests(F)
Lorinford Harlequin
SF 02124/93 C.I.B. Int.-Ch. Fin./Poln.-Ch. WS'00 ES'00
Winner-Fin.'99/Poznan'00 Fin.-Jagd.-Ch. Fin. Jagdpröv
Lorinford Lancelot
Nortonwood Checkmate
Lorinford Playgirl
Lorinford Lovestory
Chevanne Free'n Easy of Lorinford
Lorinford Daydreamer
Kerrin of Graceful Delight
Dt.-Ch.(m.Arb.) WT Dummy A BLP Brugspr.
Markpr.A+B(Beg.+Aben.Kl.) Workingtest
Friendship Classic Tattoo
GB-Show/Lux.-Ch. JW
Mjaerumhögda's Classic Sound
Int.-Ch. Norw./Fin./Nord./NL-Ch.
Perrimay Fadilla
Norw. Ch.
Shadowfax Amazing Graces
VDH-Ch. BLP Brugspr.
Riis Diago
Int.-Ch. Dän.-Ch. BLP Markpr. B
Markpr. A Brugspr.
Teacher's Passion Echo
Markpr. B
Easy Livin of Graceful DelightChrisper Captain Corelli
Stanroph Squadron Leader
Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest
Stanroph Shere Fantasy
Remmy of Grayshot at ChrisperRayleas Dempsey
Lorinford Madonna
Yentl of Graceful DelightXanthos Black Thorn
GB-Ch. Junior Warrant Show-Gundog-Working-Cert.
Rainscourt Son of a Gun
Xanthos Orange Blossom
Miss Marple of Graceful Delight
VDH-Ch. BLP Brugspr.
Amirene Superbowl
Shadowfax Amazing Graces
VDH-Ch. BLP Brugspr.

Karinjho 15 weeks